Rivista trimestrale 4/2018

Diritto Penale Contemporaneo
Rivista trimestrale 4/2018

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page 1

The current aspect of the Separation of Powers in Criminal Matters: an Introduction

Antonio Gullo | Francesco Mazzacuva

page 7

Role and Legitimacy of the Courts of Rights for Criminal Law Matters

Nicola Recchia

page 15

The Constitutional Court as Counter-limits Referee

Francesco Mazzacuva

page 32

Separation of Powers and Fundamental Rights from a European Perspective

Donato Vozza

page 50

Current Perspectives on the Judge Subject to the Law and the stare decisis Principle

Alessandra Santangelo

page 65

Legality and Democratic Principle: a Question of Method

Alain Maria Dell'Osso

page 79

The Role Played by Practices and Administrative Decisions in Shaping Criminal Provisions. The Case of Market Abuse

Marinella Bosi

page 91

Confused Powers, Disputed Powers: the Criminal Court Judge in Front of the Needs of Business Continuity

Martina Galli

page 114

Time, Memory and Criminal Law: an introduction

Emanuela Fronza | Michele Caianiello

page 118

What Kind of Memory for What Kind of Criminal Law?

Gaetano Insolera

page 128

Time to remember

Alessandro Gamberini

page 135

Can we make memory through justice?

Fulvio Cortese

page 143

We Cannot Make Memory Through Justice

Marco Dugato

page 148

Memory, Law and Terrorism. The French Experience

Antoine Garapon

page 151

The passage of time and the criminal responsibility

Ramon Ragués i Vallés

page 166

Memory, Truth, Punishent. Is It Still the Time of Freedom of Expression?

Corrado Caruso

page 175

Theorizing Law and Historical Memory: Denialism and the Pre-conditions of Human Rights

Eric Heinze

page 192

Collective Clemency in the Season of a Maximum Application of Criminal Law

Nicola Mazzacuva

page 202

Transitional Amnesties: Can They Be Prohibited?

Paolo Caroli

page 216

Revenge, Amnesty, Reconciliation and Punishment Between Memory and Oblivion

Roberto Bartoli

page 230

Obstacles to the Prosecution of Crimes Committed During the Civil War and Dictatorship in Spain

Cristina Fernández-Pacheco Estrada

page 240

Criminal Justice and Memory in Transitional Contexts. The Case of Colombia

Elena Maculan

page 255

The Colombian Peace Process and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace

Susann Aboueldahab | Kai Ambos

page 264

Perspectives on South Africa’s Unfinished Business of Dealing with Past Atrocities, and Considering Present Priorities

Gerhard Kemp

page 273

Transitional Criminal Justice after German Unification

Gerhard Werle | Moritz Vormbaum

page 286

Time and International Criminal Justice

Nicolas Guillou

page 298

International Criminal Justice and Historical Narrative

Matteo Costi

page 305

From the Treaty of Versailles to the Rome Statute

Flavia Lattanzi

page 330

Third Generation Denialism. From the Protection of Memory to the Protection of Truth?

Emanuela Fronza