with the scientific collaboration of
ISSN 2240-7618
Criminal Justice Network

Leonardo Romanò


  • Stage at ILO and UN (Geneva) – 10/10/2017 to 20/10/2017
  • Erasmus at Universitat de Barcelona (Barcelona) - 02/2019 to 07/2019
  • Traineeship at Viterbo Civil Court – 2020
  • Research and Development Assistant at University of Luxembourg within the framework of the Cryptocrime project – 15/09/2020 to 28/02/2021
  • PhD Researcher – Chercheur en formation doctorale at University of Luxembourg – DILLAN Program (Digitalisation, Law and Innovation) – 01/03/2021 to present



Bachelor of Law: criminal law degree thesis on A crimen laesae maiestatis within Europe: the Judgment 459/2019 by the Spanish Tribunal Supremo in the So-Called Catalan Independence Process”, supervisor Prof. Carlo Sotis – 2020 at Università degli Studi della Tuscia (Viterbo)



  • International Webinar Series on “Artificial Intelligence and Criminal Justice” organized by LUISS University of Rome and Goethe University Frankfurt am Main


Published works

The Crimes of Sedition and Rebellion in the Judgment 459/2019 by the Spanish Tribunal Supremo in the So-Called Catalan Independence Process”, in the quarterly journal of “Diritto Penale Contemporaneo”, Vol. 4/2019.

Countering Market Abuse in the Cryptocurrency Market: The Need for a Centralized Regulation”, 2022 (forthcoming).

Intelligenza artificiale come prova scientifica nel processo penale: una sfida tra machine-generated evidence e equo processo”, in Canzio – Luparia (eds.), Prova scientifica e processo penale, CEDAM, 2022.

Comparative approach to criminal procedural aspects”, (The EU harmonisation of counter-terrorism rewarding measures (Fighter); funded by the EU Justice Programme).