with the scientific collaboration of
ISSN 2240-7618
Criminal Justice Network

Francesco Caprioli

Professore Ordinario di Diritto processuale penale Università  degli Studi di Torino

Graduated in Law in 1986 (110/110 cum laude) at the University of Turin, defending a thesis in Criminal Procedure on the removal of criminal proceedings ("Rimessione dei procedimenti penali"). His supervisor was Prof. Gilberto Lozzi; his thesis was awarded the right of publication.

He was appointed in March 1992 as Researcher in Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, University of Turin (former raggruppamento disciplinare n. 10; now S.S.D. IUS/16). From November 1st, 1998 to October 31st, 2000 he was Associate Professor of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, University of Cagliari. From November 1st, 2000 he was Full Professor (Straordinario) at the same Faculty. From November 1st, 2004, to September 30st, 2013, he was Full Professor (Ordinario) of Criminal Procedure at the Faculty of Law, University of Bologna. From October 1st, 2013, he is Full Professor of Criminal Procedure at the Department of Law, University of Turin.

From 2006 to 2008 he was member of the Ministerial Commission for the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure, chaired by Giuseppe Riccio. In 2013 he was member of the Ministerial Commission for the reform of the Code of Criminal Procedure, chaired by Giovanni Canzio. From 2017 to 2018 he was member of a Ministerial Working Group for the reform of the Italian Privacy Code, chaired by Giusella Finocchiaro.

From 2008 to 2014 he was member of the executive board of the National Association of Scholars on criminal proceedings ("Associazione tra gli studiosi del processo penale").

From 2011 to 2013 he was member of the scientific committee of the Italian Superior Council of Judiciary ("Consiglio Superiore della Magistratura").

From 2014 to 2018 he was President of "Norberto Bobbio" Library in the University of Turin.

He is member of the advisory board of the reviews "Cassazione Penale", “Diritto penale contemporaneo Rivista Trimestrale” and “Archivio della Nuova Procedura Penale”

From 2018 he is Appellate Criminal Judge in the San Marino Republic.

His main research areas are: the principle of the natural judge (judge previously ascertained by law and removal of proceedings), the legality principle (mandatory prosecution), the right of secrecy of communications and law of evidence; the jurisdiction on the sentence enforcement phase ("giurisdizione esecutiva").