Rivista trimestrale 4/2017

Diritto Penale Contemporaneo
Rivista trimestrale 4/2017

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page 4

Crisis of the Imprisonment and Ways of Reforming It

Francesco Palazzo

page 12

Buried Alive. Prison in the Days of “Practicae Criminales”: Old Rituals for New Functions

Loredana Garlati

page 28

Punishment Within the Trial. Increasing Jurisdictional Control in the Execution Stage of Criminal Proceedings in Liberal Italy

Marco Nicola Miletti

page 42

Prison Today: Rights Violation and Rehabilitation Purposes

Angela Della Bella

page 51

The Gallows and Life Imprisonment from Liberal Italy to Fascism

Cristina Danusso

page 68

Life Imprisonment in the Contemporary Enforcement of Criminal Sentences

Stefano Marcolini

page 77

Present Perspectives of Measures Alternative to Imprisonment Between Emergency and Re-education

Chiara Perini

page 89

Crime and Punishment: On a Search for a New “Liason”

Francesca Ruggieri

page 98

Crisis of the Criminal Sanctions System and Perspectives for Reform: a Dialogue between History, Law and Art

Grazia Mannozzi

page 108

Reasons of Legality On Corte Cost. N. 24/2017

Domenico Pulitanò

page 115

Relationships Between Different Legal Systems and Constitutional Identity’s Conflicts (Taking Inspiration from the Taricco Case)

Antonio Ruggeri

page 128

Objective, Subjective and Evolutionary in Foreseeability of the Judicial Decision Between European Jurisprudence and Our Own Judgments

Silvia De Blasis

page 160

Constitutionality of the Maximum Limit Applicable to Punishment as Requirement for the Exclusion of Punishability due to the Particular Tenuity of the Fact

Attilio Nisco

page 172

Constitutional and Conventional Guarantees “En Matiere Penale”: Osmosi or Autonomy?

Irene Pellizzone

page 181

“Independent Circumstances” Are Always Circumstances with “Special Effect”? A Negative Response (Not “Factious”, but “Partisan”), Waiting for the Decision of the Joined Chambers of the Court of Cassation

Alessandro Melchionda

page 200

The Criminal Liability of the Healthcare Professionals and the New Law No. 24/2017 (the So Called Gelli-Bianco Law)

Cristiano Cupelli

page 217

Remote Participation in a Trial vs. “Self-defence”?

Sergio Lorusso

page 224

Urban Security and Its Guardians (Sindaco, Questore and Prefetto)

Carlo Ruga Riva | Roberto Cornelli | Alessandro Squazzoni | Paolo Rondini | Barbara Biscotti

page 251

The Regularization of the Fraud Against Social Security in Spain: an Example of Post-crime Behavior

Miguel Bustos Rubio

page 262

The Right of Self-defence: Between Rhetoric and Concrete Problems

Domenico Pulitanò

page 269

Neuroscience and Criminal Law: the Open Issues

Fabio Basile | Giuseppe Vallar

page 290

The Long Wave of De Tommaso Case: Is Time Running Out for ‘Generic’ Anti-Mafia Ban Ex Art. 84, Co. 4, Lett. d) and e) D.Lgs. N. 159/2011?

Giuseppe Amarelli

page 300

Corporate Liability for Food Crimes. Comparative Law Analysis and Italy Reform Prospects

Vincenzo Mongillo