Rivista trimestrale 3/2020

Diritto Penale Contemporaneo
Rivista trimestrale 3/2020

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page 1

Why the Criminal Code The Reforms of the Code Beyond the Mere Consolidation Projects

Massimo Donini

page 22

European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court Between Balancing and Binding Precedent (Part III)

Alessandro Tesauro

page 68

Non-Punishability and Criminal Policy

Paolo Caroli

page 98

Anatomy of ne bis in idem: from Unitary Principle to Neutral Converter of Principles into Rules

Ludovico Bin

page 143

There is No Smuggling Without Unjust Profit

Stefano Zirulia

page 178

The PIF directive implementation in Italy and the ‘evergreen’ article 316-ter of the Italian Criminal Code

Enrico Basile

page 199

Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of IT Systems as the Interest Protected by the Cyber-Crimes in the Spanish Criminal Code

Maria Ángeles Rueda Martín

page 217

The Market for Gossip: Punish Paparazzi and You Will Produce Inefficiency

Mariateresa Maggiolino | Eleonora Montani | Giovanni Tuzet

page 237

Old and New Problems on False Statements Rendered by Private Parties in Lieu of

Fabio Antonio Siena

page 256

Non-Punishment in the Prism of Tax Crimes: Consistency or Laxity of the System?

Stefano Cavallini

page 275

Tax Offences and Corporate Liability: a Reform in the (Albeit Not of ) System

Daniele Piva

page 290

Confiscation and seizure for tax crimes after the Italian “Tax Decree” no. 124 of 2019

Gianluca Varraso

page 322

Reflections on the quantification of proceeds and on the legal nature of direct confiscation and confiscation of substitute assets

Stefano Finocchiaro

page 362

Introduction to the Conference on The Protection of Personal Freedom Outside of Criminal Law

Luca Masera

page 365

Personal Freedom in the Italian Constitution

Antonio D'Andrea

page 374

The Protection of Personal Freedom Outside of Criminal Law. Preventive Measures

Marco Pelissero

page 388

Protection of Personal Freedom Through Criminal Law and Control Theories in Psychiatry

Giandomenico Dodaro

page 401

Is Freedom Still a Therapy?

Giovanni Rossi

page 417

Personal Freedom of the International Protection Seeker

Antonio Cantaro | Federico Losurdo

page 428

From Hotspots to “Closed ports”: Which Remedies for the Deprivation of Liberty at the Border?

Francesca Cancellaro

page 445

Women as Perpetrators of War Crimes, Crimes Against Humanity and Genocide Before the International Courts

Gabriella Citroni

page 461

Violence Against Women and Repressive Bulimias

Tiziana Vitarelli