Rivista trimestrale 2/2017

Diritto Penale Contemporaneo
Rivista trimestrale 2/2017

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page 4

Some Reflections on "Parallel Dimensions" of Criminal Responsability: Anxiety for Justice, Moralism and Normative Conceptions of Guilt»

David Brunelli

page 27

Iudex peritus peritorum

Gaetano Carlizzi

page 48

The Limits Applicable to Punishment, Between Political Discretion and Constitutional Constraints

Domenico Pulitanò

page 61

A Remarkable Judgment by the Italian Constitutional Court on Proportionality of Penalties

Francesco Viganò

page 67

Is the Minimum Limit on the Penalty for Dealing in Hard Drugs Unconstitutional? Three Questions Pending Before the Constitutional Court

Carlo Bray

page 84

An Initial Interpretation of the “Gelli-Bianco” Act from the Criminal Law Perspective

Gian Marco Caletti | Matteo Leonida Mattheudakis

page 109

Initial Observations on the Law of 11 December 2016, No. 236, and the New Crimes of Trafficking in Human Organs Removed from Living Persons Introduced by Art. 601bis of the Criminal Code.

Vincenzo Tigano

page 134

Inadmissibility of an Appeal Due to the Provision of Generic Reasons: the Supreme Court and the Obvious and the Revolutionary

Hervè Belluta

page 143

The “Massive Quantity” of Drugs: the “Never-Ending Story” of an Aggravating Circumstamce at the Crossroads Between Law in Books and Law in Action

Andrea Chibelli

page 163

Between War and Terrorism: National Jurisdictions’ Responses to the Challenge of Foreign Fighters

page 177

European Arrest Warrant and Fundamental Rights: Recent “Virtuous” Ways of the CJEU Between Compromises and Unresolved Issues

Marta Bargis

page 216

Criminal Procedure and Limitation Period’s Provisions Within the Framework of Eu Jurisprudence. Inter-Systemic Dialogue or Identity Conflict?

Michele Caianiello

page 231

Initial Considerations Concerning the “Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Mutual Recognition of Freezing and Confiscation Orders

Anna Maria Maugeri

page 257

Bruno Contrada’s “ Younger Brothers” Ahead the Court of Cassation

Silvia Bernardi